Answer: If it is with EXW terms of trade, EXW offer is excluding taxes do? not.
回答: 假如是按照EXW贸易条款, EXW的报价是不含税的 吗 ?不是的.
互联网Improvement in terms of trade is limited as competition erodes price.
辞典例句But the trade surplus has declined due to surging import volumes and deteriorating terms of trade.
期刊摘选The terms of trade adjustment reflects changes in the capacity of exports to buy imports.
互联网Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports.
互联网Careful selection of terms of trade transactions to avoid the risk of being embodied this principle.
互联网So we think in terms of trade areas or regions.
互联网Self - dependence also entails setting terms of trade and deciding whom to engage in commerce.
既然要 自力更生,势必需要设置贸易条件,并决定与谁从事贸易.
互联网At the moment, the terms of trade favour publishers too much.
那个时候, 条款明显偏向出版商.
互联网We should like to know your terms of trade.
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